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District Contacts

District Appointments by the Board of Education 2024-2025

The positions listed below are by appointment of the WIlliamson Central School District Board of Education made during the annual Reorganization Meeting. The following individuals were appointed as of July 8, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year.

Position Name Contact Information
District Clerk Kelly Dixon District Office - 589-9661
District Treasurer W-FL BOCES Central Business Office District Office - 589-9661
District Tax Collector Anne VanEenwyck Cole Income Tax - 589-8441
Title IX Compliance Officer Dr. Robert Snyder

High School 589-9661

Title IX Compliance Officer Kathryn Taylor Middle School 589-9661
Title IX Compliance Officer Bryon Rockow Middle School 589-9661
Records Management Officer Rachel Liberatore District Office - 589-9661
Records Access Officer Rachel Liberatore District Office - 589-9661
ADA Compliance Officer Rachel Liberatore District Office - 589-9661
Homeless Liaison Karen Hoody Elementary School - 589-9661
Adult Education Director Nancy Orbaker District Office - 589-9661


If the you have a concern that is not covered by one of the above individuals, please refer to the Chain of Command that follows.

As in any system, it is important that all parts function together to make the system run efficiently.  As a school system, we need to be sure that we communicate with all parts of the system and that we are aware of how each of the sub-systems work together to make up the entire system. That means that the transportation department needs to communicate with the buildings, the cafeteria needs to communicate with parents, the staff needs to communicate with administration, etc.  There are many more examples of how inter-related we are and because of that there are many ways that the system can break down.  Here in Williamson, we pride ourselves in being a system that communicates with all of our departments and stakeholders and take seriously any breakdowns in communications.

One of the most important parts of a system is to know where to go to get your questions answered or your complaint heard. In either situation, always go to the source first.  That might be the bus driver or the teacher.  If you are not satisfied with the response at this level, or if you do not receive a response, you need to go to the supervisor for that person.  For the transportation department that would be the transportation supervisor Charles O'Neil.  If the issue is with a building staff member, your next level to access would be the building principal. If you have communicated with the supervisor and you are still not satisfied, it is time to move up the communication chain.  The next person you would contact would be me, the Superintendent of Schools.  If you are still not satisfied with the answer you receive from me or if your complaint has not been resolved, you would then contact the District Office to contact the Board of Education.  We have a process in place that allows all community members to have access to the Board, either in a public session or an executive session.  We ask that you follow this chain of command that is reviewed below in a simple graphic.

Chain of Command

Staff Member --> Supervisor --> Superintendent --> Board of Education

If your issue involves an athletic issue, there is a slightly different chain to follow.  Here, we ask that you talk to your child's coach, then the athletic director before you move further along the chain.

Chain of Command for Athletics

Coach --> Athletic Director --> Building Principal --> Superintendent --> Board of Education

We ask that you use this chain of command so that you can receive a timely response from the staff member that is most directly involved in the situation.  As you move further along the chain of command, the staff is less directly involved and usually needs time to research the situation before they can give you an answer.  If you do not hear back from the person you have contacted within 24 hours, it is time to move along to the next level of the chain.  We do not expect your questions or concerns to go unanswered for a long period of time. 

We all look forward to a wonderful school year with few complaints.  Please note that compliments or acknowledgements of positive events can be directed to everyone along the chain. All of us appreciate hearing that there is something good that has happened!